
Even in dreams you will not let me come
Though time seeks to forget our fears
And nightmares gallop through our sleep;
I could save you if you wanted salvation
Even so
You will not let me come to you

I found you as one finds adventure
Wanting--wild as a horse--to be broken in
I sang you songs without words
I wrote you poetry in blood
I prayed to the gods of love and war
And still you would not let me run to you

You could say I should have known
You could say I was crazy for crossing
Too many fences
But my thoughts, far from being still
Are winging their way over these high walls
Coming stubborn and willful to you
Though I know you will not let them

KB 9/11/12


  1. Oh, the irony...

    This one, you can feel. Hurts so good.

    Winging "stubborn and willful." That is just...



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